Going East Part 2
Feb.26, 2009
Yesterday, when we arrived in Fuji we went straight for dinner. Apparently it was rainy and already dark. Because of the jet-lag I only slept 4 hours and was already awake at 3.30am waiting for leaving to the Fuji racetrack at 6.00!
This is definately not my time 😉
Today we spent the whole rainy day on the track instructing and some “taxi driving” with a modified GT3 from Manthey. That was a lot of fun because of the wet track and therefore we were sliding all over the place.
Lunch was, let’s say: interesting.
…just watch the photo from Olaf and you can see what I mean ;-).
It was a real surprise seeing an old fan of mine, Tomoko. She heard about the Event and came over to join.
My second day is more less over and I have to say that I am very happy to be here.
It is interesting to see a different culture and learn about them.
Who knows, maybe one day I will get the chance to race again in Japan.