Meine Gedanken sind bei Michael Schumacher
Dec.30, 2013 • Category Private
Ich bin geschockt über den Skiunfall von Michael Schumacher und seinen Folgen. Es erinnert mich stark an meinen Rennunfall 2010 und wie sich meine Familie gefühlt haben muss.
Ich hoffe und wünsche ihm das allerbeste und meine Gedanken sind bei Ihm und seiner Familie.
Holiday Greetings
Dec.24, 2011 • Category Private
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2012
I hope you can spend the most cosy time of the Year with your family and your closest friends.
Ein kleines Update nach meinem VLN Besuch
May.30, 2011 • Category Private, VLN
Hallo zusammen,
Hier ein kurzer Bericht von meinem VLN Besuch.
Ein besonderes Familien- und Teammitglied konnte Manthey-Racing an diesem Rennwochenende an der Strecke begrüßen: Marcel Tiemann schaute zum ersten Mal in diesem Jahr wieder an der Stätte seiner größten Erfolge vorbei! Zur großen Freude des Teams, mit dem er vier Mal das 24h-Rennen gewinnen konnte, und natürlich Familie Manthey, zeigte sich der Wahlmonegasse in viel besserer körperlicher Verfassung, als noch bei seinem ersten Besuch Ende der letztjährigen Saison. „Es ist nun knapp ein Jahr her, daß der schwere Unfall in Imola mein Leben veränderte, doch ich bin unverändert optimistisch, daß meine Gesundung weiterhin in die richtige Richtung führt“, konstatierte ein gut gestimmter Tiemann. „Ich hatte große Lust wieder Rennluft zu schnuppern und nutze diese Gelegenheit auch, um den vielen Fans und Freunden nochmals ganz herzlich für ihre aufmunternden Mails und lieben Genesungswünschen zu danken!“
Websites were you can see my video for the Fans of the Nordschleife
Jan.22, 2011 • Category 24h Nürburgring, Intl. GT-Open, Private, Race Reports, Racing, Twitter, VLN
1 CommentThank you very much
Jan.22, 2011 • Category 24h Nürburgring, Intl. GT-Open, Private, Race Reports, Racing, Twitter, VLN
better late then never…;-)
I would like to say thank you to all of you who left me a message or comment on my blog.
I still have to read some of them. Most I have already read the last days since I am a bit better.
Just the not seeing to my right hemisphere gives me enough trouble to not read and writing anymore as before. It’s taking extremely long for me and is sometimes very frustrating. Anyhow, for now I have to start to liv with that, even though I don’t give up and hope it will get better in the future. 😉
This is my way of saying: “Thank You” to all of you for standing beside me in this time….
Lancelotti, …….you can be very proud of yourself!!! Thanks for finishing my career as a driver.
Dec.24, 2010 • Category Intl. GT-Open, Private, Racing
Thank you Angelo Lancelott for what you have done to me!
This year was definitely not my personal best one.
Now the only thing for me is to get better soon and make progress with myself.
Next to my memory- and orientation-problems, what should get better over the next years, I still have a handicap with my vision to the right side.
Its called Hemianopsie.
My first priority is now to get better and back to where I came from before the accident.
Getting back my vision on both eyes to the right, to be able to drive again, even for going only from A to B would be amazing.
The Neurologists say the chance is close to 0% !! But I try everything I can…
Than, if its going well, what I hope, I would like to see how I feel in the racecar again and if its possible for me.
But first, I have to get back my vision to the right and then I see….
…All this and much more problems I had, because of Angelo Lancelotti from Villois Racing who caused the accident in Imola and drove into my car.
Until today I heard nothing from Lancelotti or the team Villois racing
I thinks that speak for itself what kind of character, or better NO CHARACTER the team and Lancelotti have!!!
I personally hope, that people who maybe (hopefully not) work with them together in the future, take this in mind how they both behaved and especially what Lancelotti was doing to me.
This behavior is unacceptable for a team to have a driver like him and for a driver its unacceptable to have a team like this.
Marcel Tiemann after racing accident at Imola in an artificial coma.
May.26, 2010 • Category Intl. GT-Open, Private
Marcel has been transferred after the serious accident at the start run to the International GT Open on Sunday in Imola (Italy) in an artificial coma. Diagnosed in the clinic of Bologna are a skull-brain trauma, a fracture of cervical vertebra and broken ribs. “The doctors are planning, Marcel Tiemann in normal healing process after ten days from the artificial coma to wake again,” says Ernst Moser, CEO of Phoenix Racing team.
The 36-year-old Marcel Tiemann was after the rescue and first aid at the track brought to the hospital in Imola and later flown by helicopter to Bologna. The transport to the University Hospital Munich-Grosshadern on Monday had been canceled on account of the healing process. Family members and Phoenix team members take care of him in Bologna. “From many sides support and help has been offered, for all we are very thankful,” says Ernst Moser.
The accident occurred during the initial phase for the second race of the International GT Open, a European racing series for GT sports car. An Aston Martin went suddenly to the left, collided with the white-black Audi R8 LMS of Marcel, which then crashed against the wall on the left side and was thrown from there back into the field. The race was immediately stopped by the Red Flag. The emergency services were immediately on hand to Marcel Tiemann to rescue him from the cockpit.
Get Well Soon Marcel!
Wishing you a speedy recovery and all the best!
Christian (Friend and Admin)
Update – 27 May:
Meanwhile Marcel’s condition is stable. With a plane he will now be flown from Bologna to a Hospital in Munich.
Keep your fingers crossed.
Update – 1 June:
Marcel’s first day, after yesterdays difficult surgery, is without any problems.
Marcel remains in an artificial coma at the hospital Maggiore di Bologna.
The forecast for his recovery remains cautious, although the TAC (CT) today, gives reason for optimism.
The removal of the frontal bone of Marcel’s forehead, performed by Dr. Nicola Acciarri,
showed a immediate reduction of the intracranial pressure after the alarming increase of the swelling of his brain. The post-traumatic hematomas resorb very slowly, which is normal.
Unfortunately Marcel’s high blood pressure (which reaches 200) hinders his recovery.
However, if his condition remains stable, a full recovery is possible, even if it takes a long time.
Hope, you get well soon!
We are here for you!
Update – 2 June:
Manthey Racing about Marcel. (written in German)
Update – 3 June:
The latest TAC (CT) have no big changes, that is reassuring from a medical point of view.
Marcel remains in an artificial coma, when a gradual awakening may be initiated is currently not foreseeable.
Update – 8 June:
The last TAC (CT) scan shows a slow improvement in the bifrontal hemorrhage.
The prognosis is reserved, but the brain pressure shows a stable and acceptable level. The doctors work
on the surgical removal of the hematoma to prevent brain damage. The full recovery of Marcel will take
a long time. Marcel remains in an artificial coma.
Update – 11 June:
Marcel was awakened this morning but mute and without voluntary movement in the limbs.
The okay to transfer Marcel to Germany was given in the early afternoon so Marcel is in flight to Monaco of Bavaria where Dr. Kreft Kerekes will take care of him.
Update – 12 June:
Phoenix Racing News (written in German)
Update – 15 June:
Timo Bernhard, Marc Lieb and Romain Dumas were in thought with Marcel at the 24 Hours of Le Mans.
Marc Lieb had a sticker on his helmet – Get well soon Marcel. See picture in the gallery.
Update – 21 June:
Marcel was awakened from an artificial coma and his conditions are definitely encouraging!
Update – 24 June:
The GT Open community will gather again sharing a sense of relief, as latest news on Marcel´s
conditions are definitely encouraging. Marcel is now out of danger and recovering progressively in
the University Hospital of Munich-Grosshadern. Very understandably, Phoenix Racing will not race
in Spa-Francorchamps but everybody is wishing Marcel a full recovery and hoping to see the
German squad back in the tracks as soon as possible.
Update – 28 June:
The convalescence of Marcel make further good progress. On 17 June Marcel was moved from
the University Hospital of Grosshadern to the Rehab Hospital Bad Aibling (Bavaria).
The medical treatment will resume as planned.
Update – 8 July:
Olaf and Renate Manthey visit Marcel in Bad Aibling. (written in German)
Update – 14 July:
According to Racing Doctor Jürgen Lindemann, Marcel makes excellent progress. “The accident he can not remember, but otherwise does the memory”
said Lindemann. “He speeks, he can move, he is running around. His internal injuries have healed well.”
Update – 29 July:
Manthey Racing about Marcel. (written in German)
Update – 1 August:
Marcel’s recovery makes very good progress. He can move and speak normally, his memory returns. Whether Marcel will ever race is uncertain.
Trip to Tokyo and Hong Kong
Feb.13, 2010 • Category Private, Racing
Hi guys,
I am just coming back from an amazing trip to Tokyo, Japan and Hong Kong.
Same as last year I was invited as an Instructor and special guest by the Japanese Porsche Club, Roppongi and Manthey Motors Far East.
This time it was an Ice-training about 3 Hours from Tokyo. That was a great experience to drive the Manthey Porsche M700 on Ice ;-).
We had a lot of fun and I was driving most of the Members around the Ice course. It was nice to see how much they enjoyed it.
On the last day before I was flying to Hong Kong one of the guys invited me over to his house in Tokyo. He and his friend’s organized an amazing private party. They prepared a nice Dinner and we had a great time drinking Shoshu and Sake. 😉
For me that was a nice ending of my Japan Trip.
Next morning I left to Hong Kong. The purpose was to visit a friend of mine from Monaco but at the end it was much more then that. I met an old friend that I haven’t seen for about 9 Years. She is living there and already has two kids. My god time is flying 😉 . As well another friend who is living at the moment close by in China came over and joined me. Together we did the tourist tour and discovered Hong Kong and surrounding. Also on of my older sisters friend was there with her husband for some business.
Amazing, you are going to the other side of this world and at the end it turns out to be much more then that. That was a really nice surprise.
I mean I could continue for hours telling you what we were seeing and experiencing but I will post some photos so you can see what I have done there.
I wish you all great year and hope you will continue following me and my racing as in the past.
Hello everybody…
Feb.13, 2010 • Category Private, Racing
it has been a long time that I wrote something here. When I started my Blog about one year ago it was as well a try for me.
I guess I found out that I am not the typical blogger 😉
Of course I will continue to write but maybe not as regular as last season. I will still share some moments with you that I think were special or worth knowing for you. A lot of fans have followed my this Blog and I would like to continue keeping you updated.
For shorter notes I will use Twitter and try to integrate it to my Blog. I guess that fits more my lifestyle.
Feel free to follow me on Twitter. You find me under my username “marceltiemann”
Lets keep in touch….
“Taxi-driving” with my family
Jul.07, 2009 • Category Private, VLN
that was fun!
Last race I had the chance to take my girlfriend, sister and her husband around the Nordschleife.
My good did the screamed loud. 😉
I had so much fun to scare them and of course to show them a bit what my work is.
It always looks easier from the outside and if you sit next to a pilot, you finally see how much work it can be, driving a race car.
There are not many chances you have to be able to drive with a 5 times 24h winner on the Nordschleife except you book a ride with me on my website….. ;-).
have a nice day,