Going East Part 3
Feb.27, 2009
Today was the final day of the event.
Not one day the whether was good enough to see the Mount Fuji. Everybody tells me how amazing it looks, but apparently it’s too foggy at the moment.
I can’t remember when I was driving so many different cars on one day. From a Porsche 964 to the latest 997 GT2/3. We were driving all 30 cars for 3 laps and teached all customers how to drive. I have to admit that I drove only one lap the ideal line and the other two more like rallye style. I had a fantastic time and the clients even more, easily too see on there faces ;-).
Oh, lunch improved about 100%. Beef and fries, thank you. …I do like Japanese food a lot but yesterday was not my favourite. Dinners are usally good and tomorrow night we will have a traditional meal, called Sukiyaki.
Now I am on my way back to the hotel for a last dinner before we go back to Tokyo tomorrow.
After leaving the Hotel this morning again at 6am, I am looking forward to my bed tonight and beeing able to sleep a bit longer….hopefully.