Going East Final Part
Mar.02, 2009
finally back home in Monaco.
My last day in Tokyo was really nice. It’s amazing how big this city is. More than 12 million people are living here and even if you are in the 36th floor of a building, you can still see no city limits!
When we arrived around 12.00, we went to a private Porsche Garage from Katsumo. He runs the Porsche Club Roppongi.
It was as well very close to a famous buddhist temple in the old part of the city that we visited before lunch.
Once I had a view Sake with my Sukiyaki, that actually tasted really really good, we took a little walk and then went back to the Hotel.
You can see the photos I took from the last floor, what a view!
Still stuffed from lunch we went to a very famous sushi bar for dinner at 21.00. The chef is a race fan and visited the Nordschleife before.
I can’t remember when I had better sushi. My preference is Tuna and Salmon but since we got all kind of sushi on our plates, I found myself eating sea urchin nigiri. I have to say its not my favourite but I am proud to tried it ;-).
After digesting and a view more sake, the son of Komatsu, Kenichi and me went for one more drink at Akasaka (a district of Tokyo) before I went back to the Hotel.
Next day was very short, because Olaf and me where flying back at 13.30.
I bought some green tea and some algues at the airport and prepared myself for an other 12 hour flight.
After being home again, I have to say that I had a great time in Japan and looking forward to my next trip to there…..
March 3rd, 2009 on 20:10
Hi Marcel,
zuerst einmal finde ich deine neue website sehr gut gelungen. Toll gemacht, besonders mit dem Blog. Eindrucksvoll ist die Schilderung deines Manthey Japan-Trips. Man spürt die Begeisterung.
Vielleicht kannst du im Blog auch deine VLN-Laeufe kommentieren?
Bist du am 11.03. bei Kerner (Motorsport-Quiz)?
Dann bis zur VLN!
Bye Juergen
March 4th, 2009 on 09:26
Hallo Juergen,
ja danke, war wirklich spannend und hat auch viel Spass gebracht.
Bei Kerner werde ich aber nicht sein.