Trip to Tokyo and Hong Kong
Feb.13, 2010
Hi guys,
I am just coming back from an amazing trip to Tokyo, Japan and Hong Kong.
Same as last year I was invited as an Instructor and special guest by the Japanese Porsche Club, Roppongi and Manthey Motors Far East.
This time it was an Ice-training about 3 Hours from Tokyo. That was a great experience to drive the Manthey Porsche M700 on Ice ;-).
We had a lot of fun and I was driving most of the Members around the Ice course. It was nice to see how much they enjoyed it.
On the last day before I was flying to Hong Kong one of the guys invited me over to his house in Tokyo. He and his friend’s organized an amazing private party. They prepared a nice Dinner and we had a great time drinking Shoshu and Sake. 😉
For me that was a nice ending of my Japan Trip.
Next morning I left to Hong Kong. The purpose was to visit a friend of mine from Monaco but at the end it was much more then that. I met an old friend that I haven’t seen for about 9 Years. She is living there and already has two kids. My god time is flying 😉 . As well another friend who is living at the moment close by in China came over and joined me. Together we did the tourist tour and discovered Hong Kong and surrounding. Also on of my older sisters friend was there with her husband for some business.
Amazing, you are going to the other side of this world and at the end it turns out to be much more then that. That was a really nice surprise.
I mean I could continue for hours telling you what we were seeing and experiencing but I will post some photos so you can see what I have done there.
I wish you all great year and hope you will continue following me and my racing as in the past.