Season Greetings 2010 and THANK YOU

Dec.24, 2010


I would like to say Thank you to all very close friends, friends and people who supported me in different ways the last months since Lancelotti caused the accident when he was driving into my car during a GT-Open event in Imola.

It really helped me a lot to pass This and Still most difficult time of my Life and Career.

As well I would like to especially thank my mother Angelika, Sisters Fabienne and Mariella, my brother Pascal for being there while I was in coma and in rehabilitation.

There were a lot more to mention here but I think everybody know anyway 😉

I would like to take this opportunity as well to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year.

I hope you will spend the next days with your beloved ones….. 😉

Take good care about you………

2 comments for this entry:
  1. Dr. Jochen Herbst

    Dear Marcel,

    Merry X-mas!

    Will always remember your – already today – legendary first lap at this year’s 24 hrs of Nuerbuerg, particularly the super-shocked faces at the Audi hospitality tent at Quiddelbacher Hoehe (I was awaiting my own first stint there) when you were jumping over the hill first, ahead of the complete R8 pro crowd.

    For our part, however, we were extremely shocked, and I am still speechless, after we learned that neither Lancelotti nor team have even followed up with you or your team after the super-stupid and super-reckless incident at Imola which caused so much physical, mental and emotional damage!

    Please get better rather soon!

    All the very best to you,

    (steam racing)

  2. Flo aus N.

    Dear Marcel,

    I also wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

    I hope that you can continue your recovery and that you you’ll get your full daylight back. It would be so beautifull to read: “Marcel Thiemann got his complete daylight back and is able to have a complete normal life”.
    Even if the Doctors are saying, that your chance is close to 0%, it is a chance and I am sure that you can make it !

    This would be so great, that you could make revenge to Lancelotti, not by causing an accident like he did, No, by overtaking him on the race track like you did with the R8 on your stuning first lap at this years 24H of the Nürburgring.

    So, i also wish you the best and that you’ll get better

    Flo aus N.


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